Greg and Vicki Syverson in Pachuca, Mexico
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The Community

The Cubitos & La Raza neighborhoods are among the poorest in Pachuca. Although they began as “squatter” neighborhoods, the government has given legal ownership of land to the residents. The main street, which passes through the two colonias, was formally named Calle Terroristas (Terrorists Street), because gangs controlled the area. There are now many paved streets in these neighborhoods and a police presence has helped decrease criminal activity. However alcohol, drug abuse, and teen pregnancy are still major problems in these communities.


Dental Check-ups at CLAVE

Greg teaching English

The Vision

To share God’s love through practical life skills.

Free haircuts

English Class

Summer Sports Camp

The Strategy

The following is a partial list of potential ministries and services of the Church:

-Children and youth homework center
-English classes
-Literacy classes
-Computer classes

-Drug/Alcohol abuse counseling
-Family/Marriage counseling
-Food/Clothing distribution
-Women’s self-defense/exercise classes

-Nutrition and hygiene education
-Medical/Dental services by volunteer personnel
-VBS -Sports camp
-Leadership Training
-Bible Studies

Self-Defense Classes